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We will be using  First Student Transportation Services. The school will be your first contact for questions or concerns regarding bus stops and bus routes. If you continue to have issues with your bus transportation, please use this Google Form to submit the incident. You can also call First Student dispatch at 603-461-5180.

In line with last year, if students take an alternative bus HOME from school they will need prior written notice in Pick Up Patrol and the approval of administration. These requests will be granted based on the number of available seats on the bus. Without prior notice on Pick Up Patrol, students will not be given a bus pass to board an alternative bus.




Pickup Patrol and Bus Routes
All families, new and returning, will receive a welcome letter from PickUp Patrol once the bus routes are completed. All Default Plans have been cleared from PickUp Patrol and must be entered for the 24-25 school year. Once you have received your welcome email from PickUp Patrol, please log into PickUp Patrol to make sure that you have access and have set a default dismissal plan for your children. When entering the bus number for your child, please check the bus routes posted on the AVS website as there have been changes in bus routes this year. The changes made to the bus routes were made to maximize efficiency and safety of pickup and drop off locations and avoid buses overlapping routes. Please note that door to door stops are not always possible to allow for more efficient transportation times for all students.

Bus Contract

Auburn Bus Contract 2023-2028

Cancellation and Delay Letter

Cancellation & Delay of Transportation K-8

Cancellation & Delay of Transportation – High School