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Student Services

We have a pyramid of support services available to students at the Auburn Village School. This Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) has three main levels of support. The first support tier includes the differentiated instruction and accommodations that all classroom teachers provide.

Our second tier level of support includes our Strategies Team. This team is coordinated by our reading specialists and includes classroom teachers, school counselors, administration, special educators and others as needed such as our speech and language pathologist, occupational therapist, school psychologist, school nurse and English language teacher. This team meets to discuss students who are having difficulty with school performance. The team reviews and gathers data, plans and implements interventions, and monitors student progress.

Also included within this second tier are Title I math support (Grades K-6) for students qualifying for this service to further develop their math skills. 504 supports and accommodations related to protections for a documented disability are available as well as English Language Learner (ELL) supports for students identified as having English as their second language.

Students requiring specially designed instruction via special education services receive the third tier level of support. Referrals for special education services can come from anywhere, including parents, teachers or outside service providers. These referrals are reviewed by a multidisciplinary team of specialists. Students may then be evaluated to determine if they qualify to receive services. Only around 10% of children should be identified as requiring special education services as these are the children who truly require specially designed instruction and are unable to learn via the general curriculum as presented. We have a team of specialists, including a variety of consultants who assist us in providing quality programming for all of our special education students. Providing a free and appropriate public education is the hallmark of special education and with strong tiers of support in place, we continue to assist all of our students at AVS to be lifelong learners.

We believe that all children can learn!


603 483-2769 x 3 – Mrs. Laura Magargee – Student Services Secretary

Name Role E-mail
Christina Catalano Director of Student Services & Homeless Liaison
Lindsay Murray 504 Coordinator, ES Assistant Principal
Jennifer Barnhill 504 Coordinator, MS Assistant Principal
Lori Collins Principal
Carly Cohen Reading Specialist  K-4
Christina Spain Reading Specialist  5-8
Zoe Stamoulis Guidance Counselor  K-4
Melinda Avellino Guidance Counselor  5-8
Elizabeth Daschbach ELL Teacher
Anita Lombardo School Nurse
Elizabeth Tentas Preschool Teacher
Katelyn O’Donnell Special Education Teacher Grades K-2
Meghan Garcia Special Education Teacher Grades 3-4
Sonia Laliberte Special Education Teacher Grades 3-4
April Ashby Special Education Teacher Grades 5-6
Lindsay Hallenbeck Special Education Teacher Grades 7,8
Christine Annable Speech/Language Pathologist
Terry Everett Speech/Language Pathologist
Meghan McGregor School Psychologist

We believe that all children can learn!

Auburn School’s Pyramid of Support Services


GOAL – 80 – 85 % of students

Decisions regarding movement from one level to the next are based on the quality of student responses to research-based interventions.

High Quality, Evidence Based, Classroom Instruction, Differentiated Instruction and accommodations – for any child that requires them!



GOAL – 10 – 15 % of students

RT – Response Team – Referral

Meeting – Documentation of concerns, and interventions 6-12 week intervention; if successful, continue

ALPS – Advanced Learning Program Students

Reading Specialist Groups and Interventions including Writing Consultation and support from other specialists including S/LA, OT and Special Educators.

Title 1 Math – Grades 2-6 Grant determines students that can be serviced.

504 Accommodations and Related Services for students with a documented disability.

ELL for students that qualify.



GOAL – 5 – 10 % of students

Specialized instruction – Special Education

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation.

New Hampshire Rules for the Education of Children with Disabilities

New Hampshire Special Education Procedural Safeguards Handbook

Auburn School District Policies & Procedures Manual

Section 504 is part of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which was enacted by Congress to combat discrimination against individuals with disabilities in services, programs and activities administered by any entity that receives federal funds, including public schools.

Please refer to the Auburn 504 Handbook for more information:

Auburn 504 Handbook

Auburn Title I Parent Compact

Auburn School Title 1 Plan


Title I math support is remedial instruction supplemental to classroom instruction. All students participate in the math program in their classroom with peers. Textbooks and related instructional material are used in delivery of services. Reinforcement of skills correlate with concepts taught in the classroom. An emphasis is placed on diagnostic teaching, the use of manipulatives, hands on materials, and reinforcement games and instructional activities.

Title I students are seen in small groups (4 or less students)or individually. This allows for individual attention, continuous direct teaching, and full student participation. Individual learning styles and needs are addressed through the use of a variety of instructional strategies employing visual, auditory, and tactile senses. All of the above have been identified as advantageous to learning through research

Most of the Title I services are delivered outside the classroom in a setting that minimizes distractions and helps the students focus on instruction. Remedial instruction is scheduled at a time that does not conflict with classroom instruction in basic skills. Good communication between classroom teachers and the Title I teacher insures that the student is not missing essential instruction or overwhelmed with independent assignments due to remedial help. Continual consultation with the classroom teachers allows for an exchange of information as to student strengths and weaknesses, learning styles, and skill development.

The Title I program provides math support to regular education students in grades K-6. Selection is determined on the basis of academic need. This program provides extra remedial instruction in support of regular classroom math classes; it is not a replacement for the instruction that students receive in their homerooms.

Instruction is in a small group setting or within the classroom. A variety of teaching methods and materials are used to help each student master skills and build confidence in the area of mathematics.

Christina Spain is our Title I teacher. The financial support for this program is shared by the district and federal funds through a Title I grant. Any questions regarding the program can be directed to

The mission of the ELL Programm is to ensure that all English Language Learners in New Hampshire are given an equitable, appropriate, and academically challenging education.

The goal of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvement Act of 2001 Section 722 (g) is to ensure New Hampshire children and youth experiencing homelessness have equal access to the same free and appropriate public education and to meet the same challenging state student performance standards as all other children and youth.