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Auburn School District Strategic Plan

Recently, the Auburn Village School community came together to develop a strategic plan aimed at advancing education for Auburn’s students over the next five years. A committee comprised of teachers, administrators, parents, and school board members engaged in a series of collaborative sessions to develop the plan and collected feedback from the larger Auburn community.

Like any strategic planning exercise, the process involved assessing strengths and challenges both locally and in the larger educational, societal, and economic ecosystem around us.  The result is a five-year plan that is anchored around several key concepts:

  • OBJECTIVE: Our objective in Auburn is to empower our students for exceptional success in college, career, and citizenship and create future-ready learners for careers that may not even exist yet.
  • SKILLS AND VALUES: To reach our objective, students will need the following skills and values:
  • perseverance
  • collaboration
  • responsibility
  • critical thinking
  • empathy
  • integrity
  • FOCUS AREAS: To develop the skills and values above, we will:
    • Connect learning with real life and provide the necessary skills for success in college, career, and citizenship.
    • Foster a learning environment where students are curious, motivated, active, lifelong learners.
    • Promote student learning that extends beyond the classroom and is amplified through family and community experiences.
    • Attract and retain high-impact talent across all education professions in the District.

Huge thanks to the teachers, administrators, and parents who spent many nights over many months developing this educational roadmap for Auburn.  Also a big thank you to our educators, parents, and students who in close partnership, will bring these concepts to life.

The full strategic plan is available on the AVS website .

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