Dear AVS Families,
Due to the recent reports of EEE (Eastern Equine Encephalitis) cases in New Hampshire, the Town of Auburn will be taking the following precautions to avoid the threat of infection to our students. The town has planned to spray the four sites: Auburn Village School, the lacrosse field at the Safety Complex (corner of Eaton Hill Road and Raymond Road), the Circle of Fun playground (corner of Bunker Hill Road and Chester Road), and Appletree/Sun Valley Park). The Town is dealing with Dragon Mosquito Control, Inc. of Stratham, who is a fully licensed and insured entity that handles this type of work for municipalities throughout this region. The company plans to spray all four sites Wednesday, September 25th according to the following schedule:
Here is the tentative schedule:
5:30 PM Circle of Fun
6:00 PM Auburn Village School
6:30 PM Safety Complex Lacrosse Field
7:10 PM Sun Valley Park
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