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Remote Learning Update

Dear Families,

Thank you for being patient with us as we navigate this new way of teaching and learning. Our teachers have worked very hard putting together engaging and meaningful lessons for your children. To prepare for the rapidly changing health situation, we have decided to continue planning for an extended period of time. This will require us to send additional materials home to your learners.

On Wednesday March 18, we will distribute the materials through a drive up distribution method. We will set up a delivery area at the back lobby entrance. Families should line up in the parking lot as the school busses do. Please do not get out of your vehicles. A staff member will gather and deliver the materials for your children directly to your vehicle. Students may not enter the building. Students will be receiving the following materials.

Grade K – three extra days of learning packets, Math In Focus workbook and Imagine It decodables

Grade 1 – three extra days of learning packets, Math in Focus workbook

Grade 2 – three extra days of learning packets, chromebook and charger

Grade 3 – three extra days of learning packets, Math In Focus workbooks and Imagine It textbooks

Grade 4 – Math In Focus workbooks, supplemental math pages

Grade 5 – Math In Focus workbooks, Imagine It textbooks

Grade 6 – Math In Focus workbooks

Grade 7 – Math In Focus workbooks

Grade 8 – Some students already picked up their Math In Focus workbooks

If your child in grades 6-8 already took their Math workbooks home, you may not need to come pick anything up. Please check with your child. We will do our best to organize the materials by family to speed up the process when picking up materials. You may drive through the back parking lot to the lobby doors and pick up the appropriate materials at the following times: 

  • If the student’s last name begins with A-L arrive from 10:00-11:00 am or 4:00pm-5:00pm on March 18th
  • If the student’s last name begins with M-Z  arrive from 12:00-1:00 pm or 5:00-6:00pm on March 18th

Please make a sign with your student(s)’s last name and place it on the passenger side of your dashboard. This will help to expedite the process.

You may want to make arrangements with another family in the same pickup time to get your child’s materials for you if you are unable to come on March 18th. These materials will not be ready until the morning of March 18th. Please do not come to the school before this time to pick up your child’s learning materials.

We appreciate your patience during this time. We will do our best to make this process go as smoothly as possible. There may be some hiccups, as this process is new to us. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at

Our school guidance department shared a resource regarding talking to your children about the coronavirus: This may help explain the situation to your students.

Stay healthy. Stay connected. Keep the learning going.


Lori Collins

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