Dear Families:
We are asking for your help to prevent COVID-19 from impacting our school community. COVID-19 is most commonly spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person talks, coughs, sneezes or sings. As a school community we ask for your support to take the following precaution to prevent the spread of the disease:
• Keep sick children home and report their illness to the school nurse if your child has a fever or is not feeling well.
• Know the symptoms of the COVID-19:
- Fever (measured 100.4F), or feeling feverish;
- Respiratory symptoms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, or shortness of breath;
- General body symptoms such as muscle aches, chills, and severe fatigue;
- Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, and
- Changes in a person’s sense of taste or smell
- Prior to arriving to school, please screen your student for:
- Any new or unexplained symptoms of COVID-19 (listed above); this includes even
mild symptoms. - Parents need to answer the screening questions and submit their
child’s temperature through the PickUp Patrol Program (if parents have any
questions regarding this program, they should contact their child’s principal). - Close contact with someone who is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 in the
prior 14 days. - Travel outside of NH, VT, ME, MA, RI and CT.
- Any new or unexplained symptoms of COVID-19 (listed above); this includes even
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