March 14, 2021
Dear Auburn Village School Families and Staff, We received notification this afternoon of a confirmed COVID-19 case at Auburn Village School. Since the individual has not been in the building recently, the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services has advised us that no other action is necessary at this time. The safety of our children, employees and visitors is the District’s top priority. To ensure your health and safety, we have been following CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting for our high-traffic areas and frequently touched surfaces. In addition, to prevent further spread of the disease in our community, please note the following: Because COVID-19 is most commonly spread through respiratory droplets, we should all take the following precautions to prevent the spread of the disease: · Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
If you or your child are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, such as a fever, chills, respiratory illness, aches or change in taste and smell, please stay home and away from others and get a COVID-19 PCR test. You may also choose to seek out testing from your healthcare provider or at one of the testing sites located throughout the state which can be found at: ( To learn more about COVID-19, please access these resources: ● New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services: Children may worry about themselves, their family and friends getting sick with COVID-19. Tips for talking to children about COVID-19 can be found at: I appreciate your cooperation and support as we continue to navigate the pandemic and work to provide a safe and caring learning environment for our learning community. Sincerely, William J. Rearick Superintendent of Schools |
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