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More Opening School Information

First Days

For common beginning of the year questions, please see the First Day Information document. Here you can find information about pickup and drop off times, the lunch menu and cost of lunch.

Student Demographics Update

Each year, families need to update their child’s contact information, even if the information has not changed. If you have not already done so, please check that your information is correct in PowerSchool as soon as possible. Families who have not updated this document may miss important information such as PickUp Patrol welcome emails and school emails.

Pick Up Patrol relies on this information so that we can send out welcome emails. It is imperative that this is completed as soon as possible. A separate form is needed for each student.  Please follow these directions to update your Emergency Information.

Student Schedules

Student schedules for middle school students should be able to be seen in PowerSchool now. If you are unable to see the schedule, you may need to uninstall and reinstall the PowerSchool App. If you are still having difficulty, please contact us.

Bus Routes and PickUp Patrol

Bus routes have been updated and uploaded to the AVS website. Please pay careful attention to the new bus numbers. The numbers were changed so that there are no duplicate numbers for middle school and elementary school buses. You will be receiving a new welcome letter for PickUp Patrol within the next few days. Please set up your accounts and indicate your child’s default dismissal plan. This alerts teachers to the dismissal plan for the first day of school.

School Dismissal

We utilize PickUp Patrol to dismiss students from their classrooms at appropriate times at the end of the day. If your child will be picked up in the parent pick up line, school staff will utilize the car tag given to students on the first day of school to click your child’s name on the app. Kindergarten and First Grade tags are orange. Grades 2-8 tags are white. This will then send an alert to your child’s classroom that it is time for their dismissal. Parents should remain in the car line until their child comes out. Please make sure to pull all the way up as other parents pull away from the line. This ensures that we can have as many parents picking up as possible and speeds up the dismissal process.

Elementary dismissal is slightly different from middle school because of the Kindergarten and First Grade early pick up. Parents of second through fourth graders should remain behind the Grades 2-4 pick up sign until the K and 1 line has moved forward. There may be parents of Kindergarten and First grade students coming around until dismissal begins. Please be respectful to one another and ensure that everyone has a safe pick up.

It is important that we do not block either entrance to the Safety Complex, the cemetery or the school back parking lot.

Kindergarten and first grade pick up times

To ease the flow of traffic and help our littlest students at dismissal time, we are asking parents of kindergarten and first grade students to pick up their children at 3:10. We will have a separate line for families of K & 1 students. Students in kindergarten and first grade and their siblings will be called to parent pick up for 3:10. These students will be loaded before we begin dismissal of grades 2-4.

Parents without a kindergarten or first grade student will line up on Eaton Hill Rd. before the first entrance to the safety complex. Parents of kindergarten or first grade students, please mark all of your children (K-4) as “Parent PickUp – K&1 dismissal” in PickUp Patrol.

Parents with a kindergarten or first grade student will come down to the beginning of the Parent PickUp line. Please be very patient with us the first few days of school while we all become familiar with our school routines. To cut down on the traffic at parent pick up, we encourage you to consider using our bus transportation.  It is very important that parents stay in line and not go around other cars for the safety of our staff and students. Please drive carefully and be aware of staff and students in crosswalks in the parking lot as you navigate the parent pickup line.

Health Office

Medication drop off: Monday, August 29-30 from 9-3pm. Medications must be in original containers and include an updated physician’s order for the new school year. Medications can be dropped off with the front office. If you need to speak with the Nurse directly, please email me at Inhalers can be sent with your child to school with the proper paperwork as stated above.

***6th grade parents – please make sure medications are in the health office for the field trip that is scheduled for 6th graders on September 1st.

Please submit updated physical and immunization records for your child. This information can either be emailed or sent in with your child. At this time, we do NOT need to record if your child received the COVID-19 vaccine.


Due to a generous donation from Pastor Ruth and the Longmeadow Congregational Church, we have a surplus of backpacks and back to school supplies. If your child is in need of a new backpack for this school year, you can reach out to Donna Aubin

Back to School Haircuts

Recognizing that this year has been challenging for many economically, we have coordinated with a hairstylist from our school community to offer free haircuts on Monday, August 29, from 9:00am-12:00pm in our Nurse’s office.  Please email to arrange a time for your child.

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